Defeat the Templars in Mission 8 on the Sony PSP and stop the attacks on the safe house. Altair doesn't really catch a break, although the Safe House assault squad comprises only six Templars. Slay them all. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.
In order to escape the Limassol Castle, you simply need to return to the castle entrance in Mission 7 on the Sony PSP. Ignore all the pursuers and just keep running back toward the Castle Courtyard. From there, mosey on over to the Marketplace.
See how to infiltrate the Limassol Castle and kill Frederick "The Red" in Mission 6 on the Sony PSP. Guards patrol almost every corner of the Limassol Castle Courtyard, and soldiers armed with sturdy-looking shields block the normal route into the castle. Looks like you will have to find an alternate way. That path reveals itself quickly enough in the form of protruding pieces of bricks along the wall, allowing Altair to gain suitable height above the ground. Jump on the merchant stand roof...
Find Osman in the Cathedral Square to deliver Alexander's message to him in Mission 5 on the Sony PSP. Make your way to the Cathedral area, at which point the red delivery icon pops up and denotes Osman's rendezvous point. The only problem is that the area is swarming with guards and that Altair must make successful contact without being detected. Climb up the first buildings in front of you and hop across toward the icon. Silently dispatch the archer on the roof and then head around to the...
Learn how to locate the assassinate the Templar Captain of the Guard. Locate him in the Limassol Marketplace in Mission 4 on the Sony PSP. The Templar Captain is as good as dead with his location so boldly announced on the map. A word of caution: if you make a ruckus approaching him, he will be backed up by annoying archers on the rooftops. Once you've found him and carried out the deed in any way you see fit, return to the Safe House for the next objective. For more info, watch the whole...
Successfully complete the introduction to gameplay with Mission 1 on the Sony PSP. This is the brief episode of playing the game. See the introduction of the tale and learn the controls of the game. If you don't properly complete this mission, you won't know how to complete the rest. For more info, watch the whole gameplay.
This video provides you with a walkthrough on how to install Gen-A 5.03 on your PSP 3000. In order to do this, you will need ChickHEN and Custom Firmware (CFW). This video does not explain how to install ChickHEN and CFW on your PSP, so be sure to check out another video on how to do that before proceeding with this one. This video assumes you've already hacked your PSP.
If you're struggling to get your PSP hacked after downloading the required software (ChickHEN and CFW), check out this video for a helpful walkthrough on how to get things started. This video shows you how to install ChickHEN R2 and boot Custom Firmware 3.60, allowing you to access tons of games.
This video provides you with a basic walkthrough of how to install ChickHEN and CFW. Watch as a TA-088v3 PSP transforms from having default firmware version 5.03 into 5.51 MHU in a matter of minutes. Doing this will allow you to play tons of ISO games without needing any UMD.
For those of you who are wondering how to put games like Resident Evil onto your PSP, look no further. This video shows you how to play CSO, ISO, and PSX Eboots on your PSP using ChickHEN and CFW.
This is part 1 of 2 on how to hack a PSP without a Pandoras Battery using ChickHEN. You will need to ensure that you have firmware version 5.03 ChickHEN R2 in order for this hack to work.
This video will show you how to use Custom Firmware Enabler on your PSP. This tutorial starts off assuming that you already have intalled ChickHEN. Once this has been done, you can follow this tutorial and get CFW installed onto your PSP 3000.
This video shows you how to install ChickHEN onto a PSP with firmware version 5.03. It then will explain how to install CFW (custom firmware) onto a PSP.
This video shows how to get cfw (custom firmware) on a psp 2000 or 3000. ChickHEN R2 will need to be installed, and this video covers how to do that as well. This should let you unbrick your psp 3000.
This video provides instructions on how to install ChickHEN R2 onto a PSP 3000. Once you do this, you will be able to do some neat stuff with your PSP (such as playing Homebrew).
This video shows you how to get ChickHEN R2 on your PSP, which allows you to get custom firmware on any PSP without using a pandora battery or a magic memory stick. You will need to have 5.03 ofw (official firmware) on your psp. If you don't have 5.03, you will need to download it.
This video will show you how to downgrade from the official firmware (version 5.03) to 5.00 m33 CFW (custom firmware). Pandora is not needed to perform these steps!
In this video, you learn how to install the ChickHEN software and load it onto your PSP. ChickHEN R2 is used, and the tutorial is demonstrated on a PSP-3000. Make sure you have your USB cable handy, as you will need to transfer files from your PC/Mac onto your PSP. This is tested using firmware version 5.03.
Follow the steps in this video, and you should be on your way to getting custom firmware (CFW) on your PSP 3000. This makes use of software called ChickHEN. You need to ensure that your PSP firmware is 5.03 or else this will not work!
Many people are having trouble getting ChickHEN R2 to work on the PSP 1000/PHAT, so this video will show you how to get it working. There are many little tricks to getting ChickHEN working after installing it. Try scrolling around for a bit and heading into your pictures.
If you're into PSP hacking, check out this video for instructions on how to perform the tff exploit, as well as how to get Custom Firmware for the psp 300X series. There are many ways to perform this exploit; this video shows a few of them.
This video provides information on how to install the ChickHen firmware on your PSP. The first part of the video shows how to install it using pictures, while the second half shows a video of the PSP installation.
This video will show you how to install custom firmware onto your PSP (Playstation Portable). Being able to install your own firmware will allow you to change the way your PSP operates. Follow these instructions, but be careful! It's always a good idea to back-up your PSP to prevent data loss.
Assuming you have already downloaded your desired theme off of the internet, this video will show you how to load it onto your PSP. Having custom themes on your PSP makes for a more spiffy design. It allows you to break free from the default ones loaded by Microsoft. Theming your Playstation Portable is fast, easy, and requires access to a computer.
Hak5 isn't your ordinary tech show. It's hacking in the old-school sense, covering everything from network security, open source and forensics, to DIY modding and the homebrew scene. Damn the warranties, it's time to Trust your Technolust. In this episode, see how to homebrew and hack the PSP.
This tutorial will tell you how to install custom firmware on your psp with the help of magic memory stick and pandora battery. In the first step you need to create magic memory stick after that you will use your magic memory stick with your pandora battery in order to install custom firmware on your can choose any CFW version you like to install from mms creator. You can buy pandora battery and magic memory stick from (Firmware/EBOOT guide free). Pandora kit becomes...
Before you attempt this firmware install, if you have already installed custom firmware on your PSP this measure might brick it. Don't double install if you have already hacked your PSP.
Hack the PSP or Playstation portable handheld game console. You need a Pandora battery, a 2 GB memory stick and a PSP. You are hacking the firmware of the PSP. You will turn the official firmware from the 3.80 into M335. You can downgrade if you have v 4.0 or higher firmware. Don't hard mod a battery, buy a second Pandora battery. This will take an hour to complete. Make a magic memory stick!
Check out this video tutorial to see how to make a Pandora battery for your Sony PSP. You will need this tool with a magic memory stick to downgrade or unbrick a PSP. This tutorial is only about getting the battery open, so don't expect any more than that. Just be careful not to short-circuit the portable Playstation device, or you might get mad. This is only referring to the Jig-Kick battery for the PSP Phat.
If your battery in your Sony PSP is acting up, maybe it's time you had it replaced. Don't waste money taking it to a repair shop though, learn how to do it yourself.
If your LCD screen in your Sony PSP is acting up, maybe it's time you had it replaced. Don't waste money taking it to a repair shop though, learn how to do it yourself.
Looking for a new plugin for your PSP? Watch this video to learn how to listen to music on your Playstation portable while playing games. This hack requires custom firmware 3.90m33 or higher on your PSP.
Take a look at this tutorial and learn how to install the Joysens 1.42b plugin for the Playstation portable. This plugin is for the analog stick on the PSP. It allows you to add the directonal buttons function onto the joystick as well as provide fixes and realignments for coordinates. Note that this video requires a custom firmware of 3.80m33 or higher.
Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to install the recovery LE to your Playstation portable. With the recovery LE, you can access your firmware's recovery menu options from the PSP's main menu (XMB).
One of the great things about the Playstation portable is the cuztomizable options. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to change the bootwave (intro), boot sound, and game boot on your PSP.
Own a Playstation portable? With a PSPTUBE, you can watch and download videos from YouTube and other video sites. Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to install the PSPTube. Keep in mind that your PSP requires a custom firmware of at least 3.71m33 or higher and 8MB of free space on your memory stick.
Do you own a Playstation Portable? There's a number of things you can customize on your PSP with the right tools. A few things you can do with an IR Shell: you can stream files via WiFi or USB and play MP3's while in game. If you're interested, take a look at this instructional video and learn how to install the latest IR Shell 3.9 onto your PSP. Keep in mind that this IR Shell only works if you have the custom firmware 3.80m33 on it.
Want to update your PSP's firmware? Take a look at this instructional video and learn how to install the 3.80m33-5 custom firmware onto your PSP. After installing, just run the update program on the PSP.
Watch this video to learn how to unbrick your Sony PSP. If you have hack your PSP and it has bricked up or stopped working these tip will allow it to work again. There are five ways possible and you will see all of them in this video tutorial.
Watch this video to learn how to install PS1 games on your Sony PSP. This cool hack will allow you to play original Play Station One games on your PSP. Here are the links needed:(1)
Watch this video to learn how to install custom firmware 3.80 m33 for PSP. This tutorial will teach you to install the custom firmware for the Sony's official 3.80 firmware update.
Watch this video to learn how to install and use iR Shell. iR Shell is a mod for the Sony PSP. The link for downloading is
Watch this video to learn how to update your Sony PSP to firmware 3.71 m33-4. This is custom firmware which is used for many PSP hacks. The link to download this is
Watch this video to learn how to use recovery mode on the PSP. Recovery mode allows you to go into the PSP and change settings you normally can not. Recovery mode requires a Custom firmware.
This how to video will show you an easy way to install 500+ different themes on your Sony PSP. This easy to use hack will allow you change the background and icons on your PSP to however you like. some of the sites you will need are: (1)
This how-to video shows how to make a lag switch in order to do impossible things on PSP. This lag switch can make the game easier, but it is still cheating. Have fun, but don't do it during a game because you will be kicked from the game.
Watch this how to video to find what type of motherboard your PSP is. This tutorial is important if you want to downgrade your PSP firmware to play homebrew games.